Michael Fertik is the founder and CEO of ReputationDefender, the
world's first comprehensive online reputation management and privacy
company with customers in over 50 countries. A graduate of Harvard Law
School, Michael serves on the advisory board of the Internet Keep Safe
Coalition. He has appeared on Dr. Phil, the Today Show,
Good Morning
America, the CBS Early Show, 20/20, and Fox, and
has been featured in
publications including The New York Times, USA Today, Forbes,
BusinessWeek, Investor's Business Daily, and the Wall Street
Journal. He lives in Redwood City, California.
David Thompson is general counsel and Chief Privacy Officer of ReputationDefender. He
is a graduate of Yale University and Stanford Law School. His expertise
ranges from founding his first Internet business in 1997 to advising
seed-stage startups to a clerkship at the Supreme Court of the United
States. He lives in Los Angeles.
Books by Michael Fertik
Wild West 2.0: How to Protect and Restore Your Online Reputation on the Untamed Social Frontier
American Management Association