JV Venable, author of Breaking the Trust Barrier: How High-Performance Teams Lead Together, is a graduate of the USAF's Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun) and has flown fighter aircraft all over the world. He has led individuals, teams, and organizations as large as 1,100 people at the highest ends of performance and risk in both peacetime and combat. Most notable was his time as the commander and demonstration leader of the USAF jet demonstration team, the Thunderbirds.
JV is an inspirational speaker, seminar leader, and coach on building and leading high-performance teams, and his deft candor and indelible integrity enhance the outcomes of every organization he touches.
He lives with his beautiful wife, Lil, and two sons, Harrison and Walker, in northern Virginia.
Books by JV Venable
Breaking the Trust Barrier: How Leaders Close the Gaps for High Performance
Berrett-Koehler Publishers