Tony Wagner, author of Creating Innovators: The Making
of Young People Who Will Change the World, is the first
innovation education fellow at the Technology and Entrepreneurship
Center at Harvard and the founder and former co-director of the
Change Leadership Group at the Harvard Graduate School of
Education. Wagner consults widely to public and independent
schools and foundations around the country and has served as
senior advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. A
former high school teacher, K-8 principal, and university
professor in teacher education, Wagner is a highly sought-after
speaker and the author of four books, including The Global
Achievement Gap.
Robert A. Compton (video collaboration) has produced eight
feature-length documentary films on global education and
innovation, including Two Million Minutes, Win in China, and The
Finland Phenomenon. Prior to filmmaking, Compton had a successful
twenty-five-year career as a venture capital investor and
high-tech entrepreneur.
Books by Tony Wagner
Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World