Penguin, December 2007
The discovery that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains -- even into old age -- is the most important breakthrough in neuroscience in four centuries. In this revolutionary look at the brain, bestselling author, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst Norman Doidge, M.D., introduces both the brilliant scientists championing this new science of neuroplasticity and the astonishing progress of the people whose lives they've transformed. Introducing principles we can all use as well as a riveting collection of case histories -- stroke patients cured, a woman with half a brain that rewired itself to work as a whole, learning and emotional disorders overcome, Iqs raised, and aging brains rejuvenated -- The Brain That Changes Itself has "implications for all human beings, not to mention human culture, human learning and human history" (The New York Times).
paperback | ISBN: 9780143113102 | Publication Date: December 2007
"Doidge's book is a remarkable and hopeful portrait of the
endless adaptability of the human brain . . . Only a few decades ago, scientists considered the brain to be fixed or 'hardwired,' and considered most forms of brain damage, therefore, to be incurable. Dr. Doidge, an eminent psychiatrist and researcher, was struck by how his
patients' own transformations belied this, and set out to explore the
new science of neuroplasticity by interviewing both scientific pioneers
in neuroscience and patients who have benefited from
neurorehabilitation. Here he describes in fascinating personal
narratives how the brain, far from being fixed, has remarkable powers
of changing its own structure and compensating for even the most
challenging neurological conditions."
--Oliver Sacks
"In bookstores, the science aisle generally lies well away from the
selfhelp section, with hard reality on one set of shelves and wishful
thinking on the other. But Norman Doidge's fascinating synopsis of the
current revolution in neuroscience straddles this gap: the age-old
distinction between the brain and the mind is crumbling fast as the
power of positive thinking finally gains scientific credibility.
Mind-bending, miracle-working, reality-busting stuff, with implications
. . .not only for individual patients with neurologic disease but for
all human beings, not to mention human culture, human learning and
human history."
--The New York Times
"Lucid and absolutely fascinating . . . Engaging, educational and
riveting. It satisfies, in equal measure, the mind and the heart.
Doidge is able to explain current research in neuroscience with clarity
and thoroughness. He presents the ordeals of the patients about whom he
writes -- people born with parts of their brains missing, people with
learning disabilities, people recovering from strokes -- with grace and
vividness. In the best medical narratives -- and the works of Doidge .
. . Join that fraternity -- the narrow bridge between body and soul is
traversed with courage and eloquence."
--Chicago Tribune
"Readers will want to read entire sections aloud and pass the book on
to someone who can benefit from it. [Doidge] links scientific
experimentation with personal triumph in a way that inspires awe for
the brain, and for these scientists' faith in its capacity."
--The Washington Post
"Doidge tells one spellbinding story after another as he travels
the globe interviewing the scientists and their subjects who are on the
cutting edge of a new age. Each story is interwoven with the latest in
brain science, told in a manner that is both simple and compelling. It
may be hard to imagine that a book so rich in science can also be a
page-turner, but this one is hard to set down."
--Jeff Zimman, Posit Science, e-newsletter
"It takes a rare talent to explain science to the rest of us. Oliver
Sacks is a master at this. So was the late Stephen Jay Gould. And now
there is Norman Doidge. A terrific book. You don't have to be a brain
surgeon to read it -- just a person with a curious mind. Doidge is the
best possible guide. He has a fluent and unassuming style, and is able
to explain difficult concepts without talking down to his readers. The
case study is the psychiatric literary genre par excellence, and Doidge does not disappoint. What makes neuroplasticity so exciting is that it
completely upends how we look at the brain. It says that the brain, far
from being a collection of specialized parts, each fixed in its
location and function, is in fact a dynamic organ, one that can rewire
and rearrange itself as the need arises. It is an insight from which
all of us can benefit. People with severe afflictions -- strokes,
cerebral palsy, schizophrenia, learning disabilities, obsessive
compulsive disorders and the like -- are the most obvious candidates,
but who among us would not like to tack on a few IQ points or improve
our memories? Buy this book. Your brain will thank you."
--The Globe & Mail
"The most readable and best general treatment of this subject to date."
--Michael M. Merzenich, Ph.D., Francis Sooy Professor, Keck Center for
Integrative Neurosciences, University of California at San Francisco
"A masterfully guided tour through the burgeoning field of
neuroplasticity research."
"Norman Doidge's book is beautifully written and brings life and
clarity to a variety of neuropsychiatric problems that affect children
and adults. With case histories that read like excellent short stories
to illustrate each syndrome . . . It reads a bit like a science
detective story and is fun . . . And manages to humanize an often
baffling area of science and controversy. It is aimed at the
well-educated lay reader -- you do not need a Ph.D. to benefit from the
wisdom imparted here."
--Barbara Milrod, M.D. Psychiatry, Weill Medical College of Cornell
"A riveting, essential book. Doidge covers an impressive amount of
ground and is an expert guide, a sense of wonder always enriching his
skill as an explicator of subject matter that in less able hands could
be daunting or even impenetrable. These stories are most emotionally
satisfying . . . Doidge addresses how cultural influences literally
'shape' our brain . . . It becomes clear that our response to the
world around us is not only a social or psychological phenomenon, but
often a lasting neurological process."
--The Gazette (Montreal)
"Doidge provides a history of the research in this growing field,
highlighting scientists at the edge of groundbreaking discoveries and
telling fascinating stories of people who have benefited."
--Psychology Today
"For years, the conventional wisdom has been that the human brain
remains fixed after early childhood, subject only to deterioration.
Children with mental limitations or adults suffering from brain injury
can never hope to attain brain normality. Not so, says Doidge. He
outlines the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural
connections throughout life. Through numerous case studies, he
describes stroke victims who have learned to move and speak again,
senior citizens who have sharpened their memories, and children who
have raised their Iqs and overcome learning disabilities, among others.
The science, he predicts, will have ramifications for professionals in
many fields, but especially for teachers of all types."
--Education Week
"Astonishing. This book will inevitably draw comparisons to the work of
Oliver Sacks. Doidge has a prodigious gift for rendering the highly
technical highly readable. It's hard to imagine a more exciting topic
or a better introduction to it."
--The Kitchener Waterloo Record
"We've long known that brain changes can affect our psychology and what
we think. Norman Doidge has shown that what and how we think can change
our brains. He has illuminated the foundations of psychological
--Charles Hanly, Ph.D., President-Elect, International Psychoanalytical
"A panoramic examination of plasticity's profound implications. Injured
or dysfunctional cells and circuits can indeed be regenerated and
rewired; the location of a given function can, astonishingly, move from
one place to another. The body's lifespan may not have to outpace its
mental lifespan . . . Everything that you can see happen in a young
brain can happen in an older brain. Deterioration can be reversed by
twenty to thirty years."
--Toronto Daily Star
"An eloquently written book about the boundless potential of the human
brain. In addition to being a fascinating, informative and emotionally
powerful read, it has the potential to enlighten parents about the
incredible learning-enhancing opportunities now available to them and
their children. Addresses learning disabilities in a unique way and
could revolutionize the way educational issues are addressed."
--The Jewish Week
''A rich banquet of brain-mind plasticity, communicated in a
brilliantly clear writing style."
--Jaak Panksepp, Ph.D., Bailey Endowed
Chair of Animal Well-Being Science, Washington State University; Head,
Affective Neuroscience Research, Falk Center for Molecular
Therapeutics, Northwestern University; Distinguished Research Professor
of Psychobiology, Emeritus, Bowling Green State University
"Why isn't this book on the top of the bestseller list of all time? In
my mind the recognition that the brain is plastic and can actually
change itself with exercise and understanding is a huge leap in the
history or mankind -- far greater than landing on the moon. Clear,
fascinating, and gripping. Dr. Doidge gives new hope to everyone from
the youngest to the oldest among us."
--Jane S. Hall, International
"A hymn to life."
--Panorama (Italy)
"An owner's manual for the brain, giving advice on how to maintain
intellect and reasoning functions as we grow older, Doidge's book gives
the reader hope for the future. I highly recommend this book to anyone
who enjoys stories of triumph against all odds. Extremely engrossing,
and always informative."
--Curled Up With a Good Book
"Doidge . . . Turns everything we thought we knew about the brain
upside down."
--Publishers Weekly
"Supurb. Brilliant. I devoured it."
--V.S. Ramachandran, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Center for Brain and
Cognition, UCSD, and author of Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind