Wiley, July 2008
In response to the oil crises of the 1970s, America developed a
bipartisan energy policy that made us safer, greener, and far less
dependent on foreign oil. It was so successful that American oil
Imports fell by fifty percent and greenhouse gas emissions dropped
nine percent in just five years. How was this possible, and how can we
do it again?
A Declaration of Energy
Independence -- written by one of the country's top energy
experts -- outlines seven economically and politically viable paths to
energy independence. It also answers the questions many Americans have
been asking:
• How can we break the links between oil consumption, terrorism, and the war in Iraq?
• Will it wreck our economy if we deal with the tough issues of energy?
• Which new technologies can help get us out of our current energy predicaments?
• What kind of a president do we need to lead us to a better energy future?
• Should we be pessimistic or optimistic about our energy prospects?
Between rising oil prices, global instability, and environmental
degradation, most Americans acknowledge the need for energy
independence. Yet our political dialogue tends to focus more on
rhetoric than substance, leaving citizens scratching their heads about
what they and the country can do to break free from energy dependence.
A Declaration of Energy Independence
takes a nonpartisan, honest approach to energy issues and answers
fundamental questions like whether the price of oil will ever go down;
whether global warming is a real threat; and whether ethanol and other
biofuels make sense in the long run.
As the former head of the Energy Information Administration at the U.S.
Department of Energy, author Jay Hakes had an exclusive, inside look at
America's energy problems. Now, combining undisputed facts and solid
science with historical and political context, Hakes offers his expert
insight on the situation and presents viable solutions for a more
stable political, economic, and military future for America.
America's addiction to oil isn't just a pocketbook problem; in fact, it
represents a grave security threat with even greater long-term
consequences than the Iraq War. Far beyond the rising price of gas, our
oil addiction puts dollars in the hands of foreign despots and funds
international terrorism. In addition, any severe disruption in the flow
of oil can leave our military virtually crippled and unable to respond
to crises around the world.
America can break out of the energy trap if we approach the issue
honestly, intelligently, and with the political will to create a better
future. A Declaration of Energy Independence
offers a real-world look -- without the ideological blinders of the
right and the left -- at how we got into this mess and, more
importantly, provides effective solutions to get us out of it.
hardcover | ISBN: 9780470267639 | Publication Date: July 2008
"Hakes argues persuasively that the United States can end its damaging
dependence on foreign oil. He tells the story of failures and
surprising successes in federal energy policies of the last forty
years, and where we need to go in the future. Both a careful scholar
and a realistic veteran of state and federal government, Hakes has
written an important book that provides workable solutions to our
nation's energy problems."
--Former President Jimmy Carter
"This book and its message are long overdue."
--Former President Jimmy Carter