The Weight Loss Plan for Beating Diabetes: The 5-Step Program That Removes Metabolic Roadblocks, Sheds Pounds Safely, and Reverses Prediabetes and Diabetes

Frederic J. Vagnini M.D., FACS and Lawrence D. Chilnick

Fair Winds Press,  October 2009

The most effective solution for overcoming your weight loss problems and managing your diabetes.

The Weight Loss Plan for Beating Diabetes is a five-step plan that shows you how to successfully overcome the metabolic roadblocks that diabetes creates. Using a specifically developed program of diet, exercise, nutritional supplementation, medication, and lifestyle modification, the weight that seemed impossible to lose will melt away to reverse your diabetes and make you feel better. Written by leading expert Dr. Frederic Vagnini, medical director of the Heart, Diabetes & Weight Loss Centers of New York, the plan draws from the latest clinical studies on diabetes and weight loss and provides recommendations specific to your unique medical history and risk factors. You'll learn:

  • The latest medications and nutraceuticals that can get you off the metabolic roller coaster.
  • Tests your doctor should perform -- but probably isn't -- that will give you the most accurate diagnosis of your metabolic roadblocks so you can overcome them.
  • Underdiagnosed issues that are exacerbating your diabetes and sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
Based on the plan that has helped thousands of patients with prediabetes and diabetes, The Weight Loss Plan for Beating Diabetes is the program that really works and will change your life.

paperback | ISBN: 9781592333844 | Publication Date: October 2009

"No other author could bring a greater knowledge, understanding, or personal commitment to a book on diabetes and weight loss."
--Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller, co-authors of The Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan Program