Reader's Digest, November 2012
Get inspired by the most powerful stories we've ever published
To celebrate 90 years of publishing "reads of lasting interest,"
Reader's Digest offers this editors' selection of our best stories
since our founding in 1922. Chock-full of essays and true tales by
some of America's most famous authors and thought leaders, these
great reads inspire and uplift, open the door to new possibilities
and connect us emotionally. In this volume, readers will be
inspired by stories like these:
- Find out how a mysterious gift forever changed author James Michener's life in The Christmas Present.
- Experience a truly powerful life-changing moment in Christopher Reeve's Decision.
- Let actor George Burns make you feel like you're dancing on air in Shall We Dance?
- Find encouragement and hope in Dwight Eisenhower's essay: An Open Letter to America's Students.
- Go looking for true peace and happiness as Barbara Walters takes you In Search of Heaven.
- Get ready to see the whole world anew as Helen Keller imagines what it'd be like to only have Three Days to See.
- Marvel at the healing power of laughter in Billy Crystal's
amazing true story: My Father and Me.
Organized around timeless American values -- joy, miracles, giving, gratitude, holidays and healing -- readers will laugh, cry, cheer, sigh and renew their faith as they enjoy the powerful impact of a well-told story.
Hardcover | ISBN: rd123joystory | Publication Date: November 2012