Test-Drive Your Dream Job: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding and Creating the Work You Love

Brian Kurth with Robin Simons

Business Plus,  January 2008

Find It, Live It, Love It!

Yes, you can try your hand at the career of your dreams without risking your present job, your next mortgage payment, or your kids' future. In  Test-Drive Your Dream Job, you'll discover how a "vocation vacation" -- spending a few vacation days actually working in the profession you've always wanted -- can be the first step toward making that dream come true. Revolutionary and practical, this hands-on program from the founder of VocationVacations will help you mesh your working life with your deepest sense of self as you learn how to:

  • Plan a VocationVacation of your own in any career
  • Build the skills and gather the knowledge you'll need to embark on your new career
  • Overcome the fear of changing careers
  • Turn a layoff or other involuntary career change into the opportunity of a lifetime
  • Design and create a dream job that doesn't exist . . . yet
  • Manage a smooth, safe transition from your present job to your dream job
  • Minimize financial risk as you embark on your bold new life

paperback | ISBN: 9780446698887 | Publication Date: January 2008

"The experience of a lifetime!"
--Connie Madison, horse trainer vocationer, Roseville, MN

"How do you thank someone who has changed your life for the better? My winemaker mentorship did just that and opened my eyes to what the reality of my life can and will be!"
--Brenda DiMuro, wine maker vocationer, Seattle, WA

"VocationVacations gives our members a chance to test-drive a vocational interest before they jump in and leave their current job. It perfectly fits our members' need to investigate and evaluate."
--Kathi Jones, executive director, Microsoft Alumni Network

"Becoming a baker seems doable to me now!"
--Lea Chadwell, baker vocationer, Winston-Salem, NC

"I have a passion for taking a different look at my life (yes, even at seventy years old!) because of my vocationing experience."
--Jim Franklin, brewmaster vocationer, Port Townsend, WA

"Thanks to my vocationing experience in 2005, I am pleased to report I have taken the plunge and now work as a full-time professional photographer!"
--Dan Chaffee, photographer vocationer, Kansas City, MO

"VocationVacations has helped me make the move from being a happy enough international banker to a really, really happy dog trainer. I still can't help but smile when I say that . . . There's just no way I would have had the imagination or the courage to make this shift had it not been for the experience of VocationVacations and the encouragement of the mentors and the career coach I worked with through VocationVacations."
--David Ryan, dog trainer vocationer, Rye, NH

"After spending two days with my mentor, I decided to pursue my dream job as a concierge. I did it! I've now transitioned from the music industry to the hospitality industry. This is an example of what a VocationVacation can do to help pave the way."
--Corazon Chacon, hotelier vocationer, New York, NY

"I see the starting point for my dream now and the process necessary to get it going!"
--John Lenzi, restaurateur vocationer, Bronx, NY

"My mentorship was an incredible career-immersion experience. I can think of no better gift for the new graduate, the retiree, or anyone contemplating a midlife career course correction!"
--Sue Burton Kirdahy, TV producer vocationer, Boston, MA